
& Potent Potables

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Saturday, February 25, 2006


So, here is a pic of Daniel V's new haircut. Isn't it adorable? Seriously, I don't know if anyone cares, but I just can't help myself. I adore the man.

In other news, today at the Rack, this really awesome thing happened. I was just putting some clothes back on a rack, and all of a sudden I hear this really loud yelling coming from the fitting room. Basically ladies screaming at each other really loud. Stuff like:"give it back, it's mine" and "let go". For a minute there, I really thought a fight had broken out over 7 jeans or something. But what really happened was this crack whore reached into the next dressing room underneath the wall (lesson 1 for the rack: don't leave any spaces for people to reach into the next dressing room) and grabbed this normal lady's purse. Normal was all OH HELL NO!, ran out of her room, grabbed the crack whore, and had her pinned up against the wall. Then "cracky" turned the tables by yelling that the normal lady had stolen her purse! Stroke of genius on her part. At some point before security got there, normal trapped cracky in a dressing room and held the door shut. More genius! THEN, cracky crawled under the wall (lesson 2 for the rack: don't leave any spaces for people to crawl into the next dressing room)and tried to escape. None of us could do anything because we have all been specifically instructed never to touch anyone for any reason. Security finally arrived, it all worked out in the end, and justice was served. Good times were had by all, but I have definitely come to the conclusion that I NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My love for Daniel V. is unstoppable!

I spent hours searching for a photo of Daniel V's new haircut, and I couldn't find one, but I did run across this super incredibly hot photo of my boys from P.R. so I posted that instead. Last night, as I predicted, Daniel V., Chloe, and Rasputin, oh sorry, I mean SANTINO, were picked as the final three to design a line for N.Y. Fashion Week. Also, to throw people off, they still had Kara, the last designer eliminated, design a fashion line as well. I saw pictures, and it actually was pretty good, except for the grotty knitted pot smoking hats, which is actually very Kara. Anyhoo, at the end of last night's episode, they show clips from shows six months down the road, and Daniel V, the love of my life, has a NEW HAIRCUT! I never, ever thought that he could improve on his old flippy look, which NO ONE ELSE in the world could pull off, but he looked like some adorable mod teenager. I AM IN LOVE! (sorry for all the caps, but I am feeling very emphatic about my feelings today). In other Project Runway news, Nick Verreos has a new blog which you should totally check out, it has hot pics of him and Daniel V. on it. (click on above title to view Daniel V's final offering.)

In other news, I totally fell prey to the 7 Jeans phenom today. We got in 50 pairs at the Rack for a special event tomorrow, so I was putting them out on the floor tonight after we closed. I had been making fun of people for a week for freaking out about it, but when I saw them, they had these adorable blue rhinestone sunbursts on them, and I was like: Holy shit, if I had any money, I would totally be down here tomorrow morning at 8 with the rest of the freaks, pulling out the hair of girls in front of me to get my pair. Seriously, people go crazy over 7's. I heard a story about two ladies who ripped a pair in half fighting over them. They usually have to put a rope around the rack, and only allow two women at a time to look at them. Ridiculous, I know.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Friend update.

My beautiful friend Laura N. from Westmore Academy is now doing modeling for Torrid. Yay for Laura! I'm so proud of you girl, keep rockin' L.A.!

The February 15

Girl Scout cookies now available across the country!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A girl can dream, can't she?

This is the dress I would wear if all my dreams came true and I was going to the Oscars on the arm of a certain Mr. Joaquin Phoenix. (I hear he doesn't have a date!) Isn't it gorgeous? It is from the Akiko Ogawa Fall 2006 line. I have never heard of this designer before, but my eye is fixed upon them now. Visit Blend for fashion week makeup rundown!

Goodbye Nick...

I can't believe Nick is gone from Project Runway! I hate to say it, but Santino did not deserve to stay last night. The entire sleeve on his outfit came off! Maybe Nick did pick a difficult fabric, but at least it was beautifully sewn and finished. Plus, I liked his idea, I thought it was edgy. I'm just saying!

(is it my imagination or did Nick & Daniel V. have a good thing goin' on?)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Sometimes I just like to remember the good old days, when you could be arrested for seduction.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


YES! Polly has realized my secret dream of being tagged for a meme! I have always read tons of blogs and been secretly jealous that no one ever tagged me. But now my wait is over, so here goes:

Four jobs I've had:
-Concessionaire at the Bijou Theatre
-Salon receptionist
-Cat feeder
-Legal Assistant

Four movies I can watch over & over:
-Funny Girl
-Sound of Music
-An Affair to Remember

Four Places I've lived:
-Nampa, Idaho
-Lincoln City, OR
-Sacramento, CA
-Los Angeles, CA

Four TV shows I love:
-Project Runway
-Sex & the City
-Golden Girls
-Greys Anatomy

Four places I've vacationed:
-Beach House
-Las Vegas
-Akron, Ohio

Four of my favorite dishes:
-Bacon Cheese Hamburger, Byways Cafe
-Pressed sandwich & cucumber watermelon salad, Beach house
-Pastrami sandwich, Higgins
-Pesto Fondue, Gustavs

Four sites I visit daily:
-Chocolate & Zucchini
-Martha Stewart
-Friends Blogs

Four places I would rather be now:
-Eating cupcakes at Saint Cupcake
-Getting a pedicure
-Creating my own makeup line/fragrances
-On a date w/ Jake Gyllenhaal, Joaquin Phoenix, or Adrien Brody, or the guy who plays Tim in The Office.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

My newfound love for Daniel V., my continuing obsession with Project Runway

So I had kept away from blogging about Project Runway, but after last night's episode, my love and obsession has grown to such a fever, that I can't talk about anything else. Last night was "Garden Party" theme, they took the remaining 6 designers to a flower shop, gave them a hundred bucks and an hour to shop. Then the designers took the plants and made dresses out of them. It was soooo great! I thought for sure that Kara was going to be voted off, because she didn't even draw a design or anything, and everytime Tim Gunn asked her about the dress, she was all "I'm just doing it organically, it's gonna be fine". Personally, I wanted her to go because she it a talentless freak, but whatever. Andre ended up losing, which is fine too, cause I am sick of his crying. Also, I did have a lot of wine, but I was TOTALLY IN LOVE with Daniel V. all of a sudden. AND: he won the challenge! Again! For the 4th time! That is more than anyone else, and two more times than Santino. I really didn't see that coming, but I think he is going to be in the final three. My prediction for final three is: Daniel V., Chloe, and Santino. Next week is going to be so hot, because they are doing makeovers on each other! I see catfights!
The winning dress:

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This picture makes me laugh!

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