
& Potent Potables

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, March 22, 2010

Latest Activities

Strudes never fails to amuse!

I perused the latest GQ at my chiropractic appt.  For some reason, I love to read this magazine!  I always learn something new when I do.  And I *heart* Shia.
(and that article on Rielle Hunter?  so amusing.  Psycho!!!)

I thought I would be healthy and roast some veggies (carrots, zucchini, brussels, shallots, garlic, asparagus).

The plan went out the window when I doused them in butter!

I have been working on some cross stitch. 
(TV remote)

It's really been a lot of fun, and relaxing too!

I always try to sneak up on Strudel while she naps and take cute pics but she always hears me.

The boy likes to puzzle while I cross stitch.  And Strudes likes to pester us and ask why we are ignoring her.

I took some pictures of St. John and Boniface on vacation at the Rockies.

Happy week everyone!

Friday, March 19, 2010

I want to go to there

Ooooooh. I always thought that no one could top Vosges Chocolate Bacon Bar, but they just outdid themselves.  Dark Chocolate Eggs filled with a soft buttery bacon caramel.  Liz Lemon and I will be over in the corner, eating more than our share.

(images from

Like, Inspiration

I have a lot of people to thank for inspiring my recent return to the world of crafting (Pols, the bastards who fired me from my last job, the Boy for paying for all the supplies) and more specifically, embroidery.  I have also let myself be seduced by all the crafting blogs out there which I previously avoided just because I already spent all of my time looking at fashion, makeup, and design blogs.  Today I spent a lot of time over at Doe C Doe and it is awesome!  My favorite thing so far is all the free embroidery templates she posts every week.  She also has an etsy shop which is awesome.  Check it.

(images from

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Places to go in LA- Fab Hot Dogs in Reseda

Today we headed over to Fab Hot Dogs in Reseda, just a few miles down the road from our Casa in the SFV.  I first heard about this place on the Food Network, and a million other places since then, so it was time to check it out.  We got the Chicago Dog, Chili Dog and the LA Street Dog.
The Chicago was excellente!  I have never had one before and would never usually put a tomato or pickle on my dog but they obviously know something I don't because it was the bomb.
The Chili dog was pretty good.  Standard chili dog.
But my fav, absolute fav was the LA Street Dog.  The hot dog is wrapped in bacon and deep fried, then topped with grilled onions, green peppers, diced tomato, mayo, mustard, and ketchup. YUM. Double yum.  And we got some tots which were soooo delish.  Can't go wrong there.  And the sodas are refillable and the bathrooms were clean and the staff were very nice and helpful.  All in all, a great experience!  Check out the menu and keep in mind that they are changing their location in a few weeks. 

Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts

OOH! I'm so excited about this!

Oh Martha.  You always know how to take my moneys. 

(images from

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

In With The In Crowd

I'm pretty sure that I like to think of myself as being all in the know and everything but it's not always true.  I had to be forced to join Facebook, I loathe twitter, and I got a cell phone way after everyone else did.  Also, Japanese masking tape (sometimes known as washi tape).  I have been reading and hearing about it on all the blogs but I chose to blithely ignore!  "I don't have time for that right now", I would think to myself.  "I have to go to work and pay the rent".  Well, sometimes you don't have to go to work and pay the rent and that time is right now!  Buy it here.  Read about it here.  It's easy to tear by hand and both removable and re-stickable and easy to write on. It's perfect!

Record Bowls

So I was trying to think of a good bday present for a friend of mine.  The only requirements were that it had to be cool and cost exactly $0.00.  Not having a job really puts a cramp in my gift giving! 
So as I was gazing around my apartment for inspiration, I remembered the record bowl I made back in the day when Readymade magazine first came out.  The mag held such promise back then, and this was the first idea/craft I took and made from it.  (Readymade has recently had a makeover and returned to the glory it once was, my dear friend Polly now writes for one of its online blogs and its fantastic!)
So I googled "readymade record bowl" and the recipe came right up.  Tomorrow I'm going thrifting to find the perfect cheap yet cool record to make a bowl from.  It's also a great coincidence that my friend loves/is obsessed with music! I think this will be the perfect gift.

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