
& Potent Potables

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Friday, April 02, 2010

Found Em'!

I have been searching for the perfect pair of curtains for about three months now.  When we moved into this current apartment, it already had curtains.  The Ugliest Curtains Ever.  They have such noteriety that I talk about them in a deep accented voice with "quotation fingers".  They are kind of a cream color, satin, with a flower pattern.  I imagine they were once on the cover of Victorian magazine and 40 year old women who lived in the country dreamed of them.  I almost took a picture of them to show you but just couldn't work up the interest because they are so boring.  As you can tell, I think about these curtains a lot.  BUT- I never took them down.  Partly because of privacy, and partly because you get used to something and forget it's there. 
Also, I sort of hate curtains in general.  I find them to be a little fussy, and usually an ugly color.  I don't know, they just aren't my favorite thing.  I went to Ikea and did not find anything.  Then, Anthropologie came-a-calling.  These are called the "Aspen Sunset Curtain" and they are deeply, deeply awesome. 

$78-$108 (depending on length)


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